Blog Post

Is everything as it should be?! 

Frances Clifford • Nov 26, 2017

The little things...Business Tips

More and more in recent weeks we have seen and witnessed this. Do you launch a website when you don't know who you are? Do you print your marketing paraphernalia without being consistent to who you/your company is?

The simple answer to all of this is no! We run a small business, we understand the pressures involved and the consistent niggle in the back of your mind.. .Have I done this? Have I done that? There is a simple list, that if perfected, is fool proof.

  • Is your website functioning?
This sounds like a silly us it isn't! Are your social links working? Are your redirects clicking through? Is the copy all spelled correctly? Is the grammar accurate? Do your links all work? Are your services all listed? So many people come to us with broken and or out-dated sites with broken URLs and out of date copy. Your website is your online business it 'made up' and ready for the internet world?

  • Is your social media used effectively?
Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Instagram etc etc. Use them well or leave them be! Don't allow them to lay dormant. If they are not used, why not just deactivate? Old, irrelevant, stagnated content is more harm than good to your company. Better to have a few run well than lots run badly. If you stumble across outdated content on social media, an advert for Easter lunch 2016...what would your opinion be? Would you keep reading? Or bounce right off... Steer clear of politics, aim for current news, events and funnies that tie in with your brand.

  • Is your marketing material worth the paper it's printed on?
Does your leaflet describe your company? Do your colours match your logo? Is the wording suitable for your target age consumer? Think of your leaflet as a quick, brief statement by you describing your company. Are your business cards in keeping with the promises your company makes? Are they high quality paper when you offer a high quality service? Are they the right shade of black? Keep the quality high, keep the copy concise, keep your wording relevant, keep everything in keeping with your brand.

  • Know who you are!
Sounds so simple doesn't it. Let's try this in Twitter style... (As of the end of September 2017 anyway...) 280 characters. What is your company? And what services do you offer?

FES Enterprises Social Media & Marketing for the Cottage Industry., based in Tenterden. Offering a simplified marketing perspective without the pressure. Strategy, website building & social media training/profile management available.

Local, national & international work undertaken.

280 characters. Our full business description.

That was harder than we thought, but we did it. It's there! Our name, our location, our strapline, our services. Done. 280 characters. Can you do it?

We live in a world where speed is essential, we want travel mugs, we want fast internet (imagine how irritating it is now, when a site takes 5 seconds to load...compared to the happy days of 10 minute dial up!) We pride ourselves on a fascinatingly strange concept, which is simply this. How busy we are, equals, how successful we are... If your business isn't ready, if it isn't immediately digestible/understandable/interesting to the consumer... they LITERALLY bounce away.

Good luck!
F x

LinkedIn Logo
by Frances Clifford 29 Feb, 2020
LinkedIn is just for jobs? ThinkIN again. Ok so terrible joke, but seriously, LinkedIn is the single only platform where professionals go, to do business. And that is it. That does of course involve job seeking and employment. But that is not its sole use. If I Google your name, what’s the first thing that shows up? 80% of the time it will be your LinkedIn profile. Is it up to date? Is it relevant? This is not intended to be a CV, much more of an insight into you, your business and your experience. Remember, this can show your personality. LinkedIn are said to be upping their stakes this year with their video sharing content. Additionally their algorithm is said to reward comments by pushing the content further afield. An interesting fact from Social Media Today “Research has also shown that LinkedIn users are 20x more likely to share a video on the platform than any other type of post. Combine that with the fact that LinkedIn members spend almost 3x more time watching video ads compared to time spent with static Sponsored Content, and it’s fairly safe to assume that LinkedIn is going to make video a key focus heading into 2020.” What if you don’t have videos? What should these be about? Think of what would happen with a potential client/customer in front of you now. Well why not start by aiming at brand awareness, who is your brand and what is it all about? Then aim for what products you offer and why yours stand out from the crowd. If you were lucky enough the attend the #SBSEvent2020 you would have seen Sara Davis inspiring speech on pitching. Sell the problem first, product last… your product or service, is the solution. Let's get back to the question in hand. As a small business why should I dedicate time to something with no guaranteed return. The answers are simple. Firstly its a free brand awareness platform. We always like free! What harm is there adding your company. Plus over time, Google will pick up on the LinkedIn company profile and chuck it conveniently into your company name search results. LinkedIn keep alluding to the fact they will be working on changes to their company pages. Jump on the band wagon before it is fully running! Rumour has it that LinkedIn will reward these companies through algorithm who set up before the trend is well established. Don’t ever doubt the value of social proof . That is inherently why social media is so invaluable. Get those followers up! Everyone is talking about themselves on LinkedIn. At the moment business posts are rarer. Go against the grain. Remember LinkedIn is still offering organic reach. Did you know when you accept a connection invite you immediately get offered to follow that company page? Did you know you can use Hootsuite and other social media management apps and platforms to schedule your content? Do you have enthusiastic employees? Why not add them into the mix. Share their work based content. They are a great asset in the LinkedIn world. Again, it is FREE. If you are already pushing all of your social media channels, what’s another to add to the mix?? Right, I’m off to rework our LinkedIn page. Want to follow suit? Click here I hope this was helpful, Fran
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